Real Incomes - True $$$

Friday, December 28, 2007

Meeting Satan the AntiChrist

W e l c o m e T o T h e

Much has been told and written about Satan and we all might have the idea what or who it is all about after watching most of the popular horror movies, right? Wrong.

Most of us would relate the word with a ghost or an evil spirit or dracula or a vampire. So, now I have decided, after my brush with the lovely lady on orkut, to write about Satan.


(from the Hebrew word for "adversary"), is a term that originates from the Abrahami faiths, being traditionally applied to an angel in Judeo-Christian belief, and to a 'jinn' in Islamic belief.
While Hebrew Ha-Satan is "the accuser" — the one who challenged the religious faith of humans in the books of
Job and Zechariah — Abrahamic religious belief systems other than Judaism relate this term to a demon, a rebellious fallen angel, devil, minor god and idolatry, or as an allegory for evil.


Satan has many appearances as there are different religions. For example, some people believe that Satan is invisible, some believe he is like the Minotaur, (half-man, half-bull). Others believe he is a small devillish spirit and others think that he is like a man. In many descriptions he looks like an angel. He normally has horns, a pointy tail and a staff.

In Satanism:

Much "Satanic" lore does not originate from actual Satanists, but from Christians. Best-known would be the medieval folklore and theology surrounding demons and witches. A more recent example is the so-called Satanic ritual abuse scare of the 1980s; beginning with the memoir Michelle Remembers – which depicts Satanism as a vast conspiracy of elites with a predilection for child abuse and human sacrifice. This genre regularly describes Satan as actually appearing in person in order to receive worship. Claims of Satanic child-molesting or murder rings are largely unsubstantiated.

People claiming to be Satanists – or outsiders claiming to describe Satanism – ascribe a wide variety of beliefs to this movement. These range from the literal worship of a spiritual being (Theistic Satanism); to a kind of subversive ritual performance stressing the mockery of Christian symbols (most notably the Black Mass); to the claimed rediscovery of an ancient but misunderstood religion (e.g. Setianism, which conflates Satan with the Egyptian god Set).
The most prominent and widely known Satanist in recent years was Anton Szandor LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan in 1966.

LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible (1969) and other works which remain highly influential (though controversial) among avowed Satanists. LaVey rejects the Black Mass, cruelty to animals, or a literal belief in (or worship of) Satan, instead considering

Satan as the human instinct within ourselves, which is what LaVeyan Satanism celebrates. Instead he supports a view of human beings as animals and rejects many social structures that he believes inhibit human instincts.

Signs of Satan:

The most popular and impressing is the "Hand Sign" for Victory or Power. Confused? Yes it is indeed the sign for Satan.

So, what I believe is "Satan" is basically the evil inside one's own self and which either needs to be cultivated or demolished as you wish.

I'll just add some horror to my blog with some wonderful "Satan" representations which you'll find nowhere.

Picture & Description Courtesy: the lady in Orkut.

"When you gaze into the Abyss,
the Abyss also gazes into you"

..tht describes the 72 spirits of solomon...
*dnt strain ya brains!!--relax*

...*.thts the description of a damn PENTAGON----fr all ya'll illiterates*

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Meeting Satan on Orkut

I never had a crush to be and chat and make friends on orkut. It just happened that one fine day I was talking to a friend - Nikhil Kelji who was busy on his computer typing desperately from his keyboard and panting in between to take breaths and giving me a coy look and then again delving into the screen.

I said "lets see what shit you are into". He gave me a cold look and said "SHIT" what do you know about Orkut?

After the "Gyan" session from him, and about six months later... I'm myself a "Orkut" fan and also have start to blog on blogger (thanks again to one of my good old friends "Ravi" who guided me how to become a blogger) .

So, was I talking something about "Satan" at some point of time?

Well, the idea to write about "Satan" and "Stanism" came from a "Orkut" aquintance, a lovely lady who only identified herself as (I can't divulge her identity because of security reasons, but friends where there is a will - there is a way and I know you have various other methods to find out who she is) from Mumbai - Bandra area, with whom I had a chance to discuss about her profile.

Actually, I was just surfing through various profile matching my sisters name and bumped into this lady. She is as she writes a "Devil Worshipper"...

The first line she wrote about herself is - "1.**your first and final warning shall b DISASTEFUL and OBJECTIONAL** no fkin 'FRANDSHIPPERS' or 'WANN-A B FRNDS'...comments are entilted to this page-they shall immediately and no doubtfully b rejected.'"

As I crawled through the lady's profile, I was perplexed or rather confused to see words like Urobac, T'an-mo, Sabazious, Dagon, Bile and Barbatos under the "Passions" heading on her personal profile page and can you believe what attitude she might be having when she was writing :

*does it even matter????*--cuz u anyways would'nt kno wht i wud b referrin to!!...anyways try to though!!

for the above words.

I'll copy the exact way she wrote so that you can decide for yourself how mean this girl might be:

languages i speak: English (UK)

here for: friends

about me:
1.**your first and final warning shall b DISASTEFUL and OBJECTIONAL** no fkin 'FRANDSHIPPERS' or 'WANN-A B FRNDS'...comments are entilted to this page-they shall immediately and no doubtfully b rejected.'

2.**what u SEE** in my pictures may or may not depict wht i presume but it is sumtin which is real and horrorful--so it is at your own risk that u shall wish to enter and believe in the dominion and heavenly doors of EVIL WORSHIP.

3.**I EXPECT** onli ENGLISH LITERATES wid a sobre and accustomed state of mind to think of ever scrapping ME.

4**LAST OF ALL----dunt get to such a point of DESPERATE-NESS...**--once ur request is rejected ..get the point tht i dont need u in my FRIENDS LIST!!!!--cuz ur not worthy enough.

ethnicity: multi-ethnic

religion: Christian/Catholic

political view: very authoritarian

humor: campy/cheesy, dry/sarcastic, clever/quick witted, friendly, goofy/slapstick, obscure, raunchy

fashion: alternative, minimal, smart, trendy, urban

smoking: no

drinking: occasionally

pets: i like pet(s)

living: with parents

hometown: **<>**

passions: *does it even matter????*--cuz u anyways would'nt kno wht i wud b referrin to!!...anyways try to though!!
*barbatos.....{these are one of the few many}

sports: i play alot of it....i dnt wnna fkin type shit here for no lameass reason!!!

activities: haha---juz to fill my space...upp -----DEVIL WORSHIP----scarryyy---OMG??? go to sleep!!!---and and....if u cant.... just try doing sumtin worthful like...buryin yaself!!!--and i MEAN IT!!!

books: **does'nt seem to please me a bit**

music: basically in2 Rock,Heavy Metal,[Trance]--- when am realli High and Sloshed.

tv shows: ......**no time fr T.V showz.....have bter stuff in life...but yea talk to me bout movies....i shall gve you total updates of tht**

movies: ohh c'mon.....anythin scaryy...i luv it..!!!"it does'nt freak me out...rather it gives me sum inner fearless POWERS and ABILITIES''...more like motivation..hahah

cuisines: CHIN3SE,M3XICAN,...ITALIANO....basically am a luvva fr all kinda cuisines..*as long as they are frm WELL DEFINED rests..**---and as long as they dunnot make myself sick!!


state: maharashtra

zip/postal code: 8219

country: India

GOD DAMN - I can't take this attitude and thought her to give a taste of my english writing skills.

It started as a fight between to "EGO" ed people which ended with smiles at the last and that is where it ended without her ever again replying to my scraps.

I had a online chat with her for about an hour and she dissappeared from screen after that. At least till date I haven't been able to chat with her again.

So what was it that we discussed which insipred me to write something "On Satan" ?

I was but obvious interested as what exactly these words meant and (never expected that she would be online and would reply immediately) scrapped her as to what these words mean.

All of the above words meant (read synonym) one thing - this girl is probably psychic. I was horrified at the intensity and level she wrote and discussed about this things with me.

All of the above words meant in some way or the other some person very much related to "Satan" or "Devil" or "Ghost" or "Spirits" and the like.

This girl likes to get sloshed, listens to Hard Trance music, performs Devil Worship and is Heavy Mental.

I have watched a lot of horror movies like The Grudge, Ring, The wrong Turn, Omen -I through IV, Friday the Thirteenth etc but never was so much engrossed into/with satanism as after the chit chat with this girl.

Interested To More On Satan? Click on the below links :

1> Is the Devil Real?

2> Signs of Satan!

3> Satan Worship In India !

Is It All About Money

I was fascinated about people's idea about earning atleast 1lac per month as salary so as to be called a satisfied and good professional. Good that they have focused on a goal to be achieved.

I just found the below passage important which can help you make your goal a little more realistic.

Go through it and reply back as to how you found it?


Well, if it is, consider a career as a financial planner, computer techie or epidemiologist according to Fast Company because those are just three of the top 25 jobs as the top-paying professions in the future.

For some, it is all about the money and the great toys it buys. Cool cars, surround sound and two cell phones (16% of cell phone users carry two). Indeed, money, the quality of life and financial independence are great motivators to get up and go to work everyday. But for some, the toys don't matter as much, financial independence isn't even a consideration and quality of life isn't measured in an asset portfolio.

There are lots of people making lots of money who go to work everyday to a job they hate. There are just as many people who go to work everyday to a low-paying job that they love. They love it because the job provides so much more than dollars. Teachers, nurses, law enforcement and emergency rescue personnel don't make the kind of money a CEO makes, but most of them wouldn't change careers for a bigger salary. To these people, it's more important to receive the emotional rewards a career provides.

We define each other by the work we do...

High on the list are college professors (must be very smart), doctors (modern day wizards), religious leaders (good hearts) and school teachers (large buckets of patience).Low on the status list are politicians (all crooks), used car salespeople (all crooks), stock brokers (sales hype), telemarketers (annoying) and the folks who scrape up road kill (Yuck!).

But notice that status isn't related to earning power. Most religious leaders don't make huge salaries, but still hold high-status positions in our society. Conversely, successful stock brokers usually clear six figures annually, but most of their clients would consider brokers a necessary evil. Status isn't related to salary. But it is related to your self-esteem.

If you have high self-esteem, you think you're doing okay in the world. If you have low self-esteem, you can't figure out why your career lacks traction. You aren't getting anywhere, you don't like your job, you don't like your life and you don't like yourself or your pet or your apartment.

The fact is, that not only do we define others by how they earn a living, we also define ourselves by the work we do. Our professions and careers become woven into the fabric of our self-image--the way we see ourselves and believe that others see us, as well. And Over the years, our society has attempted to increase the self-esteem factor by changing job titles and Descriptions.

Who doesn't care for Flex-time, an in-house day care, summers off, a great health plan, company car - there's more to most jobs than the bottom line, especially in this hectic work-a-day world in which time has more value than cold, hard cash. Most parents will swap flex time and telecommuting for a bigger paycheck because those benefits also improve quality of life. More senior employees will seek out good health plans. New hires seek opportunities to advance. There are as many reasons for taking a job as there are people who take them.

It doesn't matter if you're just starting out in a career or thinking about a mid-life career change. If you focus solely on the salary, you're limiting your options and your chances to really improve the overall quality of life.

Weigh the other factors - benefits, job status, self-esteem and the emotional and psychological benefits - that a job offers. You'll expand your career horizons and you'll more likely find true happiness on the job.

And that's the most important consideration of all.

Women Attracting Men

How to attract Men?

Women attracting men is an age-old issue. It is now especially significant in light of the current situation found in many metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, GA where the ratio of eligible women to men is extremely unbalanced.

Below are seven quick tips for women seeking to attract men:

Tip #1 Men are carnal beings. They are first and foremost led and attracted by their physical senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. If you are interested in attracting a man, you must pay attention to your appearance, emphasizing your best attributes and features.

Tip #2 Be Aware of Your Body Language. Are you sending signals that you're approachable? Smile, laugh, present yourself as being open to approach.

Tip #3 Self Confidence Is Always Attractive. Be confident in yourself. Women who believe they are beautiful are beautiful. Women that lack confidence, lowering their personal views or standards for a man, are typically made unhappy and frustrated (and thus unattractive) from living unauthentic lives.

Tip #4 Be Happy. A woman who enjoys life is always attractive to others, and is bound to enjoy creating successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships. On the other hand, women who choose to sacrifice their happiness for others usually end up depressed, disappointed, negative individuals.

Tip #5 Be Active And Engaging, The Center of Attention.

Tip #6 Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover. Give a guy a chance. Being overly critical or judgmental is a definite turn-off for men (and most women).

Tip#7 Realize that, like it or not, men think and process information differently than women do. Be sensitive in your communications and exchange with men. Don't be immediately "put-off" or offended by some perceived slight or oversight, without first understanding intent.

That's my 7 Quick Tips For Women Attracting Men. Be Happy!

Now, guys would be yelling at me "What the hell is this person upto"? Being a man himself, how can he just write tips about girls attracting guys.

Well, guys there is a good news for you people too...

Avoid girlz who are trying all the above tips and be safe...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Visit to Mahabaleshwar, Satara district of Maharashtra, India

Visit to Panchgani and Mahabaleswar

Dec 16 2007

God this placed is called heaven of the west...

Recently, I got a chance to visit Mahabaleswar (Courtesy: one of my best friends, Manas, who was visiting the place and asked me to join him).

Mahabaleswar is located about 200 kms from Pune, Maharshtra travelling towards Satara. On the way is Panchgani and the famous "Mapro" garden and park.

You can rent a car for about INR 2000.00 or can use the State transport Bus service for covering the distance which will come at a much cheaper rate of about INR 150.00 per person. Hotel rates depends on many factors like the condition of the hotel and most important is whether you are well aquainted with the place or not and how well you bargain.

I never knew what was I going to see and where I was heading until my roving eyes fell on a street ad board reading "The Five Hills hotel", Panchgani.

Panchgani, if you have a good memory and have watched the movie "Raja Hindustani" (remembered for the much hyped minutes long first endeavor of Hindi cinema to display an on screen smooch between Aamir khan and Karishma Kapoor) is the place where most of the early 90's hindi films requiring a hill station moved to.

Panchgani is also famous for para sailing, horse riding and boating) (sorry but all the snaps of para sailing etc were taken by Manas's camera who is out of station - but I promise as soon as I get hold of him, I'll upload the pictures). You can always bargain for juicy strawberries grown specially by "Mapro" in their gardens and also go for a taste ride of various syrups, jams, jellies and fruit crush just out of the garden

Mahabaleswar is famous for its old temple and thick forests which is a paradise in itself for young couple seeking privacy as well as those who wish to get exposed to a strong dose of nature and wish to getaway from the hectic urban jungle life.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Views On Nudity

Why The World is Frantic About Nudity When Its All There Allaround Us?

Dec 08 2007

Nudity - may at the first reference might be compared to pornography or even something more nonsense than that.

My friends and family often ask me why so many artists paint (as they say) “naked people”. Some think that the nude is only pornography, while others just think that it’s out-dated in the art world. Most artists will tell you something along the lines of “we don’t see them as ‘naked’ we just see beauty”.
Anthropologists logically presume that humans originally lived naked, without clothing, as their natural state. They postulate the adaptation of animal skins and vegetation into coverings to protect the wearer from cold, heat and rain, especially as humans migrated to new climates; alternatively,


(Let me sleep in peace like my ancestors did)

covering may have been invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well. For men and women, public nudity was at least permissible in ancient Sparta, and customary at festivals.

Our ancestors, all of whom we still believe, lived in caves like animals, were naked till death. Why can't we simply enjoy nudity at its purest form without twisting and turning the moral police inside just to satisfy a rut of so called Civilisation?

I know when it comes to nudity, we all will do shrugg our eyebrows when standing at public. But even we have to agree that given that privacy and secureness, we all have the keen eyes to appriciate the beauty beneath the nudity.


(I gave birth to Humans who look down)

Why do we restrict our concept of the mask to representation of the face? Perhaps it is time to begin thinking of the individual, the whole surface of the corpus, as a mask. For it is this totality, not the visage alone, that is involved in what the late sociologist Erving Goffman called "the presentation of self in everyday life." The human body is a complex communications technology: we use kinetics, more commonly called "body language," to express what cannot - or choose not to - put into words.

For a fashion model, removing all cloths and props is equivalent to a tightrope walker's working without a safety net. It enforces an absolute self-reliance: the body itself becomes both costume and mask.
(Mask me up you earthly creatures, behind your evil eyes)

But these models who're chosen to stand unclothed before camera have done more than simply strip away the garments they customarily interact with and employ their skills to enhance. They have also taken the opportunity to shed much cultural baggage - taboos against female autonomy, against nudity, even against pubic hair. In these acts of self-exposure, therefore, they have each struck a profoundly feminist stance.

While the fashion model's visual structures are consistently elegant, posed, and classically balanced, almost invariably, the camera man joins the faces of his subjects with their bodies, identifying and individuating them: these are the exact opposite of the anonymous female figure who populate the history of the nude in photography. And he registers their presence on infrared film, which records not the light that bounces off the surfaces of these women but the warmth that radiates from within them. What he gives us hereby is, literally and metaphorically, heat made visible: the essence below the appearance, the ego behind the mask, the energy beneath the skin.

Collecting nude pictures is a time-honored hobby for the educated person, going back in art history through the centuries. It stimulates the bloodstream and lifts the spirit.
Additions Feb 25 0f 2008 (After the suggestive comment from a "Cutie Pie")
Hmm, the lady "Cutie Pie" introduced me to an altogether different view - a view on nudity from a women's eye.
As per her (Cutie Pie) girls including womens do also fantasize about naked guys. They often look and enjoy a naked male body though in secrecy.
I mean to say as per her ( a girls) perspective to see nudity, it's also in the mind of girls to see and behold the beauty of a naked body - a male one though.
She told me that girls in their puberty do possess and hide pictures of naked male models much in the same manner as guys do it. The difference being guys enjoy it in the company of their male friends and in bathrooms. Girls enjoy it in secrecy and in their minds.
I'd like to thank "Cutie Pie" for giving me this Voyeuristic look into a "Girls" mind and her Bed room.

All said and done, let me introduce you people to the innocent, happy, natural nudes of the most beautiful amateur models in the world and I believe that the beauty of woman is valuable and should be admired without shame or guilt.

Crush to find solidarity

White In Its Purest Form

Dec 08 2007

I' had always in my eyes the dream to appreciate the pure form of beauty - the natural joy of pondering into soulfull calmness and be a little nostalgic. To gaze into open whiteness and fall in love with purity.
I present here, for all of my friends a collection of exotic beauty to gaze into and feel that serene and pristine joy within. Enjoy:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Visits to Nandurbar District of Maharashtra, India

My Second Trip to Nandurbar
(Nov-14-2007 till Dec-03-2007):

Ok, this time I got a little more time to see the place under the microscope. Hmm... I'll not feel afraid to tell that a second look did changed my idea about the place though not completely. Also, the best part in this visit is that I just started to learn driving a four wheeler and was barely able to manage the steering of a Scorpio which my office provides me while I'm on tour.
Remember, last time I wrote that there are two parks out here. The first is "Dandapani" (One of the many names of Lord Shiva - a hindu God) park. It is about 2 miles or 3.2 km on the way to "Sakri". One has to walk the distance or take his own mode of transport to reach there but the walk is worth it.

The park is amazing with beautifully landscaped garden and manicured leafs and a small toy train. The little kid inside myself just couldn't resist itself from takin a joy ride. (Suussshhh, this is the only place in Nandurbar where you'll find good looking girls and a candy feast for your tired eyes. I wasn't able to resist ogling - call me a lecher if you so wish...)

The second park is named "Krishna (again the name of a hindu God) Park". It is about 2.5 miles or 4 km on the way to "Dhule". You need to strain your legs again or be ready to shell out Rs 50.00 one way to reach here. It abodes a small ashram and a temple which belongs to the Lord Shiva and a small sanctuary and a play ground for the small ones.

The best thing about this park is it has got a small natural lake with facilities for boating. The worst part is that boating is allowed just for 15 minutes in one sitting. Boating and I wouldn't go for, It'd never happen though I don't know swimming and terribly afraid of water...
Ask me which of the two parks I'd prefer and I'll vote for "Dandapani Park" when I need to ogle and "Krishna Park" if I ever need to spend some quite quality time with my girlfriend (who'll be never there beside me as there is no one).

As I have written earlier, the place itself is just filled with hillocks and small thorny vegetation. The main source of earning being farming and cattle grazing which includes sheep, goat, horses & donkeys. I managed to take out time to barge inside (and I'd love to do it again and again) a sugarcane field and get some for my thirsty throat, picked wild berries and ate raw spring onions and cucumber. People still use a bullock cart for transportation. I was fascinated by the idea of using this mode but time restricted me from doing so. The next time (God save me from) I visit this place, I'll surely put up a picture of mine enjoying a Joy ride in a bullock cart...

My First trip to Nandurbar district of Maharashtra
(Oct-23-2007 till Nov-3-2007):

Recently I got a chance to visit a small district (rather new district which was separated from the original district of 'Dhule' about 4 years back) in the state of Maharashtra - 'Nandurbar'.
Nandurbar is about 11 hours distance, by daily bus from Pune and about 6 hours by train from Mumbai which is available bi-weekly.
The place is full of hillocks, small thorny vegetation, and big 'Jowar' fields under the scorching sun.

The main occupation here is cattle farming and there is no shortage of milk here.
You can get your daily needs from the corner grocery shop and unfortunately the 'Mall - Culture' hasn't arrived here yet.
There are two cinema theatre (one Screen each) here. I took out the time to push myself inside one named 'Amar Talkies' with 1974 proudly imbided into its walls, to see the movie 'Red Swastik' on the very last day of my visit.

Also, there are two small parks (I heard of them) which I never got a chance to see.
More so, my visit was an official one and I hardly ever found time time for a tour except from my hotel to The Windfarm site and back.

The Hotel 'Hotel Gourav palace'- the best available in Nandurbar will offer you a A/C room for Rs 510.00 and a non A/C room for Rs 310.00 per day and no concessions and not including food which will just cost you same as in a 5-star in Mumbai. Also, be ready for a fight with bed bugs during the whole night...
Lastly, I'd say Do NOt visit this place unless you are a nature lover and in need of mental peace...