Why The World is Frantic About Nudity When Its All There Allaround Us?
Dec 08 2007
Nudity - may at the first reference might be compared to pornography or even something more nonsense than that.
My friends and family often ask me why so many artists paint (as they say) “naked people”. Some think that the nude is only pornography, while others just think that it’s out-dated in the art world. Most artists will tell you something along the lines of “we don’t see them as ‘naked’ we just see beauty”.
Anthropologists logically presume that humans originally lived naked, without clothing, as their natural state. They postulate the adaptation of animal skins and vegetation into coverings to protect the wearer from cold, heat and rain, especially as humans migrated to new climates; alternatively,
(Let me sleep in peace like my ancestors did)
covering may have been invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well. For men and women, public nudity was at least permissible in ancient Sparta, and customary at festivals.
covering may have been invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well. For men and women, public nudity was at least permissible in ancient Sparta, and customary at festivals.
Our ancestors, all of whom we still believe, lived in caves like animals, were naked till death. Why can't we simply enjoy nudity at its purest form without twisting and turning the moral police inside just to satisfy a rut of so called Civilisation?
I know when it comes to nudity, we all will do shrugg our eyebrows when standing at public. But even we have to agree that given that privacy and secureness, we all have the keen eyes to appriciate th
e beauty beneath the nudity.

(I gave birth to Humans who look down)
Why do we restrict our concept of the mask to representation of the face? Perhaps it is time to begin thinking of the individual, the whole surface of the corpus, as a mask. For it is this totality, not the visage alone, that is involved in what the late sociologist Erving Goffman called "the presentation of self in everyday life." The human body is a complex communications technology: we use kinetics, more commonly called "body language," to express what cannot - or choose not to - put into words.

(Mask me up you earthly creatures, behind your evil eyes)
But these models who're chosen to stand unclothed before camera have done more than simply strip away the garments they customarily interact with and employ their skills to enhance. They have also taken the opportunity to shed much cultural baggage - taboos against female autonomy, against nudity, even against pubic hair. In these acts of self-exposure, therefore, they have each struck a profoundly feminist stance.
While the fashion model's visual structures are consistently elegant, posed, and classically balanced, almost invariably, the camera man joins the faces of his subjects with their bodies, identifying and individuating them: these are the exact opposite of the anonymous female figure who populate the history of the nude in photography. And he registers their presence on infrared film, which records not the light that bounces off the surfaces of these women but the warmth that radiates from within them. What he gives us hereby is, literally and metaphorically, heat made visible: the essence below the appearance, the ego behind the mask, the energy beneath the skin.
Collecting nude pictures is a time-honored hobby for the educated person, going back in art history through the centuries. It stimulates the bloodstream and lifts the spirit.
Additions Feb 25 0f 2008 (After the suggestive comment from a "Cutie Pie")
Hmm, the lady "Cutie Pie" introduced me to an altogether different view - a view on nudity from a women's eye.
As per her (Cutie Pie) girls including womens do also fantasize about naked guys. They often look and enjoy a naked male body though in secrecy.
I mean to say as per her ( a girls) perspective to see nudity, it's also in the mind of girls to see and behold the beauty of a naked body - a male one though.
She told me that girls in their puberty do possess and hide pictures of naked male models much in the same manner as guys do it. The difference being guys enjoy it in the company of their male friends and in bathrooms. Girls enjoy it in secrecy and in their minds.
I'd like to thank "Cutie Pie" for giving me this Voyeuristic look into a "Girls" mind and her Bed room.
All said and done, let me introduce you people to the innocent, happy, natural nudes of the most beautiful amateur models in the world and I believe that the beauty of woman is valuable and should be admired without shame or guilt.

I appreciate your openness and sagacity on a misintrepreted and tabood topic. I admire your choice of topic. whover said this is civilization
The way you think is the way i Think. I Appriciate u r thought. I Love this attitute that can generate this kinda thought. there are lots of words i'd like to say but i said in my sentense.
Thank and love you bye bye
Wonderful choice of topic. The responsibility that you have shown in bringing such a looked down subject is just commendable.
The way you think and potray the topic is simply great. Most of the people relate nudity with obsceneness and sex. Those people must go to your blog to know that nudity is the beauty of oneness. Its a fine art created by god.
Good work man.
well..i wouldn't say i was comfortable reading it..not in the least but afterall truth will always remain truth and its exactly what you hav written..so i read it all.but hav you ever questioned y only gals n not boys i mean..atlaest i hvnt ever heard ne of the gals..going thruh nude male photographs..thoh this might also be happening where gals hide such photographs..like boys hide dat sort of photographs of gals..i mean even we are human beings..den y is it dat we still liv under dat shadow where gals r lukd down upon wen such things happen but its fine wen its a guy..its disgusting coz its just we who shud b blamed n no one else..so as u mentioned nothing's bad unless u percieve it in dat way..afterall its "BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER.."..ITS REALLY INTERESTING..so all said n done i liked it but dont b gender biased,concentrating only on gals..boys shud also b mentioned in this so dat it mirrors just everything in a much beautiful manner...isn't it???keep it up..
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