Real Incomes - True $$$

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jumping Over That Sucking Job

As usual, I'm again at the cross roads of life!!!

My Dream Job: Maintenance
Dream Time: 0900 to 1800 Hrs
Dream Pay: which can afford me a small 2BHK flat and a small car and the little necessities of life and a small saving. Somewhere around 5 lacs per annum in todays terms.
Location : Anywhere where I can bring in my family (my parents) and settle peacefully

I currently work for a company thats worth millions in terms of brand image. I really even like my job, although there is always a dream for a fatter pay-check with the current one reading 2.1 lpa.

So, I'm really Ok with this job. Then whats that making me jump the boat? It doesn't gives me sufficient time to be with my family and friends. With tours of about 25 days a month, I just feel drained out of energy and more than that feel the company sucks because I dont have any time for entertainment (read: time to be with family).

I don't have any other offer in hand right now but also feel my current job is becoming to much a fishbone in neck.

And, moreover I can't afford to stay unemployed for even a day with thge cost of living soaring by each day in Mumbai or Pune.

With such a hectic tour schedule, I can't even afford to appear for any interviews.

I really dont know what to do and how? The hangover is becoming more troublesome than the effect of this so called drug(read: my current job).

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